At what I thought was just one those friendly dates over a McDo meal, you suddenly babbled at how you've been so happy since you met me, how you did not regret crossing the seas to take up a task that you weren't excited about, and how you can't let that time pass without telling me how I have unexpectedly touched your life.
Whoaa, you're too fast! How can you say that if we've met just three days ago? Okay, okay, we've crossed paths before but I can't even remember the occasion.
You believe in signs, you answered back and pointed them out to me: we met in church, our names sounded the same, we both took up law, loved arnis, are fond of jogging, and share quite a number of interests. I am even like a member of your aunt's family. Then you wonder how can you be asked to do a task with me when that task wasn't your kind of thing? Of all the people who could be paired up with me, why were you just plucked out of the many who could do a much better job? You asked as if you still don't have your answer to that. This is meant to be, you then concluded.
And I kept silent because I remembered hearing before that you have a girlfriend. I waited for you to mention it, half-hoping you'll say it didn't work out between you two.
We must be soul mates, you continued as I try to keep from laughing.
I almost rolled my eyes from all the mushiness, but all I was able to do was give a try at covering your eyes because I can't already take your unblinking gaze.
You looked so serious; so masterful of the script, if there was one. But still, no mention of the girlfriend.
And because I don't believe in everything you said, I told you to wait. I don't easily fall, I said and added experience tells me to think things over before deciding. Give me time, I asked while thinking of the Sara Bareilles lyrics, "
It's too soon to see, if I'm happy in your hands."
And of course, I have yet to research about the girlfriend.
You said you'll wait but hoped it will be soon.
A day passed and you're back home already missing me.
A day passed and I got a confirmation about the girlfriend. And I know her...